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Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam was preached by Lord Brahma to protect Man from all the dangers that are likely to arise in Human life on earth, from great diseases and from premature death. And to save him and bring happiness in life; pave way for “Atma” to attain heaven and heavenly bliss at the end of the life.

Traditional Belief:

Vishwamitra Maharishi, who lived in the last days of “Krutha Yuga” and during “Treta Yuga”, performed a great Yagam to save the country and its people from the Doshas that were likely to arise during Yuga junction. But the Maha Yagam did not bring the expected full benefit. So, Vishwamitra Maharishi went to Lord Brahma and asked him why he did not get the full benefit of the Yagam he had performed.

Lord Brahma said Vishwamithra Maharishi that the full strength of the sacrifice was not available because the worldly rulers did not please the Gods “Indradhi Devas” in the way they were supposed to be in the sacrifice performed for the salvation of the world. Accepting Vishwamitra Maharishi's request, Lord Brahma sacrificed and pleased the worldly deities “Indrathi Devas” and taught Vishwamitra Maharishi the Mantras and Rules of Yagam necessary for worldly salvation. This is “Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam”.

Vishwamithra Maharishi conducted “Puthra Kameshti” Yagam in Ayodhyapuri in order to bring “Puthra” profit for Emperor Dasaratha. Later, he detained Rama and Lakshmana, sons of the Emperor in his ashram as “Yagashaala” saviours and performed “Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam” for the benefit of people of Ayodhya.

After the period of Vishwamithra Maharishi, in the age of “Treta Yuga”, “Dwapara Yuga” and in all the co-occurrences beginning with Kaliyuga which started in BC 3102, legends say that the Kings of the country, who lived in India for a long time, performed “Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam” for the prosperity of the country and welfare of the people.

The Devas of the world such as Indra, Agni, Vayu, Varuna, Yamadharma, Niryathi, Soma, Kubera, Esaanan, Ananthan, … as well as the Gods Brahma and Maha Vishnu, accept the “Kavis” used in “Dharaniraksha Yagam” and shower / dodge the Goodwill rain.

Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam which is going to be held for 18 consecutive months at
Sree Suryamangalam Advaitha Veda Vidhya Peetam in three (3) parts,
will be using the “Yagaagni” in the Vedic Pedestal which has been burning incessantly
for more than a quarter of a century starting from the auspicious day of Aavani Avittam,
August 3, 2020 (Monday) at 7:15 am bearing Thiruvonam Nakshatra, Simha Lagnam.

Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam - First Part – Yagam benefits:
You will be getting Boon such as Salvation, “Paava” Shanthi, Divine joy and Longevity from those occurrences in life such as Dangers of all kinds,
Communicable diseases, Epidemics, Premature death, Great stagnation in the first part of the Yagam.

Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam - Second Part – Yagam benefits:
All the luxuries of Life, Comfort, Joy, Peace, “Sarva Abishta Sidhdhi”, “Kubera Preethi”, “Moksha” to the Soul at the end of the Life,
“Paramanandha Sidhdhi” will happen. These are the Boon we will be getting in the second part of the Yagam.

Dharaniraksha Maha Yagam - Third Part – Yagam benefits:
The third part of Yagam will provide Boon to Future Generations a deserving Happy life, World Peace and “Samruthi”; Happiness,
Joy and Peace to all living things without causing Pain and Loss, Loss of life due to occurring of natural disasters in the Life of a Man.

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